METHODS: Making inquiries about signs and symptoms of schistosome cercarial dermatitis, and physical examinations of manifestation in the residents ( fishermen and peasants). 方法:对淮河水系沿岸部分村镇居民作现场查询和体检,以确定有无该皮炎表现及伴随症状;
An epidemiological survey of schistosome cercarial dermatitis among the residents living along the banks of the Huaihe River System 淮河水系尾蚴性皮炎流行病学调查初报
No human infection was found but the schistosome might be the pathogen of cercarial dermatitis in this area. 人休尚未发现有感染,但此虫可能是当地尾蚴性皮炎的病原体。